About the Platform of Hope
The Platform of Hope is a pilot initiative that provides holistic and self-directed support for cohorts of families in the rapidly gentrifying Ward 1 neighborhood of Northwest Washington, DC. The Platform of Hope supports economically vulnerable families of color in pursuing self-defined success while building social capital through collective power. We believe in modeling equitable community through family-centered practices, coordinated resources and participant-led change.
The Platform of Hope was initially established by an alliance of non-profit organizations with deep roots in Ward 1 that are engaged in affordable housing, child development, arts, education, health and wellness for DC-area families: Jubilee Housing, Jubilee JumpStart, Mary’s Center and Sitar Arts Center. Our Advisory Board includes leadership from our four founding partners, as well as Platform of Hope families and volunteer leaders. The Platform of Hope is an extension of the work of each founding partner organization, with the acknowledgement that collective, family-centered action is needed to address the issues facing families, produce different outcomes and build an intentionally inclusive community.
In September 2018, Platform of Hope launched its programming with an initial cohort of 20 families and goal to serve 100 families over 5 years. Today, 2023, we are in year 5 of our program, with five cohorts engaged, totaling over 75 active participant families (and 250+ individuals, including kids!). This year we have met our initial milestone to serve a total of 100 families over 5 years as of our inception.. a significant accomplishment given the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
POH is proud of our paradigm-changing model, which places families in the drivers’ seat in directing holistic goals, streamlines social services and builds strong social networks. More information about program outcomes can be seen with the results of our annual reports on our website; our most recent report on 2022 can be found directly here.
Platform of Hope Staff
Ezinne Chinemere, Program Manager
Pamela Cabrera Bahay, Program Manager
Sarah Hicks, Program Coordinator
Judy Estey, Executive Director
Jessica Palencia, Program Manager
Rebecca Aguilera, Program Assistant
Founding Staff
Sylvia Stokes,* Project Lead/ Family Care Lead 2018-2020
*In loving memory of Sylvia, 1950-2020
Founding Partners